Thirty to thirty-one weeks pregnant: my Facebook announcement

Until week 31, I didn’t share anything about my pregnancy on Facebook. When Phil shared our 12 week scan picture last December, it was lovely to witness him receiving so much love. Back then, however, I was missing the right words for an announcement. Plus, I was too scared of another loss.

At 30 weeks’ pregnant, I found the words I needed. They came easily one day, the words that signalled enough of the true story, without feeling over-exposed. At 31 weeks’ pregnant, Phil took some photos of me, which were a perfect match for my words in terms of the emotion they captured. Together, those words and pictures formed my announcement on Facebook, earlier this month.

There were many wonderful responses. Friends expressed delight and offered their congratulations. Some friends commented that they didn’t know I was pregnant. It was good to let them in. Everyone gave their love. There were several special messages, friends who picked up on my ‘rainbow baby’ reference: two friends who had experienced their own loss, which I didn’t know about before; and a third friend who asked me what rainbow baby meant. I found myself explaining, quite openly, about losing our pregnancy last year. She responded with great compassion, saying she had feared losing her pregnancy.

My Facebook post wasn’t the whole story – that I do reserve for this blog – but it was enough for me to open the door the friends, to acknowledge our process and to reach out to friends suffering in silence with infertility or pregnancy loss.

So now I’m sharing my Facebook announcement with you – because I share everything with you 🙂

“Our rainbow baby is coming soon! Thank you to my lovely man, Phil, for taking these photos at 31 weeks pregnant, which capture the deep peace and gratitude I feel. I’m also thinking of all my dear friends, who have had a long road towards pregnancy and everyone who has loved and lost their baby in pregnancy. There’s a permanent place in my heart for you. I am wishing on a rainbow for you too. If you need a chat, a shoulder, a friend, I am here for you – just as my close friends and family have been there for me. Finally, to Phil, thank you for your kindness, strength and great compassion. It is a joy to share the light and shade of life with you x”

9 thoughts on “Thirty to thirty-one weeks pregnant: my Facebook announcement

  1. So happy for you! You look amazing. We had a very similar outpouring of love when I announced on fb… although it wasn’t until B had been born! Also I referenced infertility and pregnancy loss on Mother’s Day. I actually picked up on a friend’s rainbow baby reference as she announced her baby with a rainbow emoji – it was really nice to be able to say that B was a rainbow baby too, and for someone else to understand. I’m really glad you are doing so well! An exciting last few weeks for you! Xx


    1. Thank you so much Nara. Sounds a very similar experience. It feels really good to acknowledge the real story without oversharing on Facebook, where people haven’t been part of the whole process. Like you, I do want to be as open as I can be because I think so many people suffer in silence. Sending love to you and B and T. X

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  2. So pleased to read that everything is going so well. It brings back memories of the elation and serenity I felt at the time my own kids were on their way.


  3. You are absolutely glowing and I’m so pleased for you. After everything you have been through, this is one very loved rainbow baby. Not long now. Xxx


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